My my my, I'm once bitten, twice shy, babe
Hey, so, as most of you have heard, I had my remaining wisdom teeth out a week ago! (I am also kicking myself for having so recently squandered some mouth-related lyrics. It's becoming increasingly difficult to think of these things)
I was a little nervous, in part because it all happened on really short notice (as in, I had been meaning to see the guy for several months, and been sort of thinking I probably would get my teeth out, and after consulting and deciding to go ahead with it, they were all "okay so how does four days from now sound" and I was all "eep"), but everything went relatively smoothly. It was my first time under general anaesthesia, which was subjectively even more uneventful than they tell you. It's reassuring, in a way, to know that there are drugs that I can take in order to have horrifying things done to me without being aware of it.
I felt fine almost immediately afterwards, though I did my best to take it easy and watch lots of Cowboy Bebop. No discomfort even, except maybe some intermittent tenderness for a day or two, accompanied by a whole lot of swelling. I'll tell you, it's the sort of experience that gives one a definite appreciation for the natural shape of one's face.
In comic news, you may have heard that Warren Ellis has a webcomic now (which I keep forgetting to read to see if it's any good), and that basically everyone is a Skrull. And oh yes, I'll be presenting at Comic-con again this year, this time with Marisa on Ottaviani, and something about scientific authority.
Lastly, I have just discovered the existence of Colcannon, which I would like to try to make sometime.
I was a little nervous, in part because it all happened on really short notice (as in, I had been meaning to see the guy for several months, and been sort of thinking I probably would get my teeth out, and after consulting and deciding to go ahead with it, they were all "okay so how does four days from now sound" and I was all "eep"), but everything went relatively smoothly. It was my first time under general anaesthesia, which was subjectively even more uneventful than they tell you. It's reassuring, in a way, to know that there are drugs that I can take in order to have horrifying things done to me without being aware of it.
I felt fine almost immediately afterwards, though I did my best to take it easy and watch lots of Cowboy Bebop. No discomfort even, except maybe some intermittent tenderness for a day or two, accompanied by a whole lot of swelling. I'll tell you, it's the sort of experience that gives one a definite appreciation for the natural shape of one's face.
In comic news, you may have heard that Warren Ellis has a webcomic now (which I keep forgetting to read to see if it's any good), and that basically everyone is a Skrull. And oh yes, I'll be presenting at Comic-con again this year, this time with Marisa on Ottaviani, and something about scientific authority.
Lastly, I have just discovered the existence of Colcannon, which I would like to try to make sometime.