Sunday, November 23, 2008

and it was way down in the fall

I've had a lot to blog about, but keep being too busy. So, I'm going to backdate my Texas travelogue so it appears in the post previous to this one, and just keep blogging as though nothing happened. Let's see; what have I been up to? Halloween was fun. Bowieween fell through since everyone else had other, lamer things they wanted to dress up as, but what I am thinking is that instead of relying on Halloween to make this happen, one should just throw a David Bowie costume party at some point. Further bulletins as events warrant. Pollworking was okay; kind of stressful, both because of the turnout and the fact that I was in charge, but it was still all right.
Also, it turns out that, like dang near everyone else I know, I'm going to be in New York at the end of the year (unrelated to the APA). So that's pretty neat.


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