Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Run for the shadows in these golden years

The rest of Friday's testing worked out well, if anyone was worried. Now I just need to repeat it three times, and we'll finally be done with this wretched stuff, and off to the carefree bliss of ethylbenzeneland.

My apartment complex is being repainted. It's going from its previous sort of southwesterny red-and-adobe color scheme to more of a mocha with chocolate trim, and other equally edible colors. Since this place is enormous and all, it's a gradual process. I've found that watching the daily progress of these muted (and comparatively anemic, if not unattractive) colors as they expand across the complex kind of gives the unsettling impression that the buildings are slowly dying. Or else Ursula K Le Guin's dream dude is trying to eliminate apartment racism.

Lastly, I have an idea for a group Halloween costume. Three words: David Bowie Chronology. Who wants to do this? (NB: If you do not want to do this, there is something wrong with you. Also, I call dibs on Thin White Duke.)


Blogger Unknown said...

um, so that leaves what, Aladdin Sane? Much as I love Bowie, I'm not wearing those pants. Would the Man who Fell to Earth count? Or Jareth, the Goblin King?

Thu Sep 11, 11:39:00 AM  
Blogger Evan said...

Heck yeah they count...though why you would sooner wear Jareth's pants than Aladdin Sane's is a mystery to me.
Aside from the handful of glam variants (does anyone have an eyepatch?), other options include Early Mod Bowie, Lemon-Haired X-treme 80s Bowie, Union-Jack-Coat-Wearing Bowie From Earthling or Whenever That Was, um..Tin Machine Bowie, Space Oddity Bowie who apparently had a perm...
Speaking of which, this and this also came up in my research. It's possible that I've given this too much thought.

Thu Sep 11, 12:14:00 PM  
Blogger John-Carlos said...

These seem appropriate. Perhaps hilariously so.

Mon Sep 15, 06:35:00 PM  

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