Monday, July 24, 2006

Does whatever a spider can

So, lots of stuff happened over the last five days. As is my way, I'll forego any sort of coherent summary in favor of bombarding you with tangential comments of little interest. If it helps, you can think of them as vignettes...mostly about comic books.

- Mariah's wedding was really nice. Brief, but touching, and occupying a nice intermediate point between formal and low-key. Also there is some seriously good food in Palo Alto. And I had a Mai Tai at the Trader Vic's.

- When I made it to the post office today to pick up my Achewood books, it was just before 5 and someone else was ahead of me. I do not even know how long it was since I'd last heard anyone making what I would describe as "whoops of joy." Nor do I have any idea what was in that guy's mail, but it must've been good.

- J. Michael Straczynski is up to a whole bunch of things these days. In addition to some movie deal and work on Amazing Spider-Man, Warner Bros has just greenlighted (greenlit?) a Babylon 5 "Lost Stories" project, in which he picks up some of his unexplored plot lines with some of the characters. And I guess Cafepress is publishing all the old scripts, which is kind of weird, but good news for print-on-demand as an industry. Also there are talks of some sort of game that he couldn't say anything about, but I have a sneaking suspicion/hope/fear that it may be in the MMORPG genre.

- Speaking of games, there was a Telltale Games panel, which is a company made up of LucasArts émigrés whose current project is the next Sam and Max game. Also a Tick panel, since the Tick is coming out on DVD

- So it turns out that a slice of muenster thrown in as an afterthought is the trick to making crappy boxed macaroni and cheese seem significantly more palatable.

...Actually this is pretty boring. I'll try again later when I'm in a more entertaining mood.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The weekend at the college didn't turn out like you planned

I moved. Did I mention that I moved? It was from one room in my apartment into another, so it is not like I actually moved, except that I now have boxes everywhere, and some more walls (some of which enclose my very own bathroom), which came at the cost of a fair amount of storage space (cf boxes supra).

Comic-Con is this week, so I've been reading a bunch of things to prepare. Expect a comprehensive comics update in the immediate future.

Also, I survived the whole UCSA Student Congress thing. Most of you have already heard me grumble about this thing, but for those of you who haven't, this is the grueling 4-day event in which the UC Students plan out their agenda for the coming year.
There were a couple really good workshops, and now I have another minutia to add to my resume, but otherwise it went about as expected. Aside from our ongoing Get Out The Vote Campaign, we will be working on "Admissions and Diversity" and "The UC Student Compact" (read: fees), which is basically what we've voted to work on every year since about 2003. There are some really good things about these projects and some haphazard and pollyannaishly speculative things, but on the whole it is pretty okay indeed.

Also in the move I managed to misplace my q-tips for ten days, which resulted in a profound, if temporary, decline in my quality of life. But I'm better now.