Friday, February 09, 2007

'aqtu' mellota'

Just a few quick things today.

I keep forgetting to pass this along: Musical Klingon Astroturf Update

I recently had occasion to think about the pilots from those old disney tv cartoons (by "pilots," I of course mean the first episodes, and not dudes like Baloo and Launchpad McQuack). Anyways, I suddenly realized that the first episodes of Duck Tales, Rescue Rangers, Tale Spin, and Darkwing Duck all involved the use an enormous beam weapon. I don't know what about the Disney zeitgeist of the 80s and early 90s led to this rampant proliferation of giant laserbeams, but it is certainly interesting to think about.

Lately I've been listening to podcasts while I exercise, instead of my usual books and such. Aside from The Changing World and the occasional Spanish language thing, I mostly listen to sciency stuff, especially Science, Nature, and New Scientist. And to be honest, my favorite part of the science podcasts is the commercials, which are like "Try BioRad's new Profinia protein purification system, the automated solution to purify and desalt affinity tank proteins in as little as 30 minutes!" I like to listen to them and pretend I'm living in the future.
Maybe I am.


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