Saturday, December 02, 2006

I'm so tired / Tired of waiting / Tired of waiting for you

So, I just got back from the LSAT. Oof. That was not a short test. (Also, why the hell do they have these things so early in the morning? Is there any sensible reason to go from 8:30-2 on a Saturday, instead of, say, 9:30-3? grr!)
I'm not sure how I did. As it turns out, my slipshod preparation for the logic games actually paid off; I only had a little bit of trouble with one of four games. Inexplicably though, I did have a fair amount of trouble on the reading section (usually my strongest)...had to guess on some at the end, and rushed through several others, so kind of a lot is up to chance at this point. Well, it wasn't entirely inexplicable. First, it had 28 questions, whereas there were only 22 in the games section. Also I measured my time in terms of "remaining" rather than "elapsed," and perhaps as a result didn't hustle as much as I ought to have. I dunno. We'll see how lucky I was. I doubt I did poorly or anything, it's just a question of how strongly it inclines admissions committees to overlook my undergrad gpa. Anyways.

I had forgotten that USD is really pretty nice to look at. It reminds me of Pomona and Scripps in a way, in that it has the same sort of meticulous, self-consciously rustic quality, charmingly quaint, but with a pristineness that borders on sterility. It's like it found a tiny piece of (probably specious) heritage that it sits around polishing all day. And...apparently I find that appealing? :-/


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