I wanna tear down the walls that hold me inside
I may have just made a terrible mistake. I got one of these. Remember those things? They're pretty good if you want to label something. And pretty bad if you have strong labeling impulses and a reckless sense of whimsy. Pretty soon everything I own will have a hard alt tag.
Oh, also I have reached new heights in my ability to confuse one name with another. I've never done this out loud, that I recall, but sometimes I think of a person and a similar but importantly wrong name will pop into my head. In my youth it was Gary Cooper and Gary Coleman. A few years ago it was Wilfrid Sellars and Peter Sellers. Now...well, now I just need to keep reminding myself that Maynard G. Krebs was not a five-time Socialist Presidential candidate.
Oh, also I have reached new heights in my ability to confuse one name with another. I've never done this out loud, that I recall, but sometimes I think of a person and a similar but importantly wrong name will pop into my head. In my youth it was Gary Cooper and Gary Coleman. A few years ago it was Wilfrid Sellars and Peter Sellers. Now...well, now I just need to keep reminding myself that Maynard G. Krebs was not a five-time Socialist Presidential candidate.
OMG Awesome. I think you should take a lesson from the Adam West Batman: bat-computer, bat-scanner, bat-radar, bat-cuffs, bat-pontoons, bat-drinking water dispenser, bat-camera with polarized bat-filter, shark repellent bat-spray, bat-rope, bat-burgers...
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