Thursday, March 22, 2007

We don't need no letter at all

Hey, so there's a problem with my ucsd email; in setting up my new account, they may have temporarily disconnected the old one. If you've sent me anything in the last two days or so, you might want to forward a copy to my other main address: my first and last name (with the space and hyphen each replaced with a period)

I realize I meant to post and tell you about jury duty, but I've been pretty busy. I didn't get put on a case or anything, so I got to start work a week ago. It has been pretty neat so far; I am still definitely getting used to things, which has caused much undue frustration with the gas chromatograph, but I am getting the hang of it. Everyone in the lab is very nice, and for the most part the work is not very demanding, and it is really interesting. The project I am working on right now has to do with people's ability to smell homologous series of alcohols. So like people are more sensitive to octanol than hexanol, and more sensitive to hexanol than ethanol. But for some reason the data seem to indicate that people are far more sensitive to butanol than they ought to be. We can't explain this, so I'm repeating my predecessor's calibrations to make sure that the concentrations weren't just off. Exciting!

Oh, and I took pictures! This is one of the things we use to administer gas; it's definitely the coolest-looking, and I guess it's the main one I'll be working with. In that room there are also a few booths that are good for administering smells over time, and for torturing Mirror Universe Chekov.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The other is a vegetable

I don't understand this. However, I love Croconion-kun. "Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha"
(parts 2 through 5, I'm assuming, are more of the same)

So, the nice thing about having a subscription to is that you can continually pick up new and exciting audiobooks as they are released, and frequently also get deals for staying or returning to the service, like the free Gen1 ipod shuffle I've been using since my mini died, and have only just now replaced with a nano (joking speculation about the imminent "ipod femto" will be accepted with a gracious, if slightly deprecating, smile).
Anyways, the downside to having a subscription is that my Audible library, much like my visible library, is growing faster than I can read it. With luck, this will be corrected in the near future; more highly structured downtime, e.g. the walk to work, means more time that I can spend listening to things. Consequently, I've been looking through my collection to see what I've missed, or might otherwise be particularly into. It's interesting to have a backwards chronological list of my reading interests; for instance, my whims have fluctuated from mass market science fiction, to newyorkeresque commentaries, to lots of things that I really felt like I should read. The Art of War, for example. Who actually wants to read The Art of War? It's brilliant, I'm sure, and will help one's paintball game immensely, but if I didn't have some visceral sense of its Significance, I wouldn't couldn't care less. Wow, that's just a terrible locution there. I suppose one nice thing about Romance languages is that they're immune to such Sam-I-Amisms.
Ah well, I've got 4 gigs of space. I'll toss ol' Sun Tzu on there in case I get bored with my other jury-deontic diversions tomorrow. Speaking of which, I should go to bed. See you later; I'll let you know if I get assigned to a case.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Can't you smell that smell

I got a job!
Research assistant in UCSD's Chemosensory Perception Laboratory
Isn't that exciting? I am way excited. I will be studying irritation, which I consider to be one of my areas of expertise.

(also I know I used this song before, but what can you do.)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Where did our love go

I'm really hoping not to turn this into an "Evan inflicts funny pictures of his cute baby niece on you" blog, but uh how about just this once, okay?

I went to a couple concerts, both were very enjoyable. Renewed interest in the labelmaker has resulted in a proliferation of cryptic messages on my wall.

Ooh, as I was typing this, I received an email about possible job developments. Stay tuned, kids.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Its been a long time since I rock and rolled

That's weird. I just completely forgot to post anything for three weeks. Huh. There is not much to talk about, that may be part of it. Here, at least, is some news about Star Trek 11, and also "clocky", the robot clock that hides. Also those of you who are into comic-y things might find this one terribly charming.

Meanwhile, the job search continues..
Oh, also I have jury duty in a couple weeks. For like the thousandth time. I have been playing Phoenix Wright to practice.

edit: I just remembered why I didn't post. My computer was broken. All things considered, that is a pretty good reason not to post.
(It's better now)