Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat

So I'm at work, running subjects. Aside from taking a sample every once in a while, this requires that I flip some switches every 7 minutes or so, and there's not much other work I can do from here. Hence the blogging.

...I've been giving some more thought to talky morning DJs, and am beginning to at least understand the reason for their existence. People who drive some appreciable distance to work each day would probably get tired of the station's same old programming, and might enjoy both the variety and second-hand social interaction provided by tooth-gnashingly inane chatter. Though this theory is perhaps corroborated by the existence of evening talk (such as the "Five o'clock funnies," which presumably serves a corresponding function for the end-of-day commute), you will note that it completely fails to explain why the DJs have to suck.
Okay I'm done talking about morning DJs. Here are some more chemosensory observations for you:

1) Double cream gouda is so delicious. With increasing frequency of late, I have been suffering darker moments of existential doubt, in which I would lie awake at night and reflect that maybe I was beginning to get a little bit bored with smoked gouda. But this stuff has completely renewed my interest in all things goudish.
2) I don't know what peanut butter smells like. It's one of the smells that we have people identify for their initial screening, and when I tried it, I totally guessed "wood shavings" instead.
Okay, look. It is not that weird. I am not the only person who has done that. And smells can actually be pretty tricky when there aren't any other sensory cues.
The important thing about it is that I used to really hate the smell of peanut butter, but apparently I've since forgotten what it's like. And with it, I've lost a vital weapon in the War on Involuntary Anaphylaxis.


Blogger Unknown said...

Re: Double Cream Gouda

Were you, like me, gripped firmly about the balls by the latest Fearless Flyer?

Tue May 15, 11:57:00 PM  
Blogger Evan said...


In a manner of speaking.

Wed May 16, 09:11:00 AM  

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