Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Here I go, oh wo wo, like a loco mosquito

The uncannily entertaining Back Dorm Boys.
(from Jann, whose blog I am thinking I should just mirror rather than going to the trouble of providing content of my own. In fact, I am feeling like my output quality has declined precipitously with my recent efforts to post regularly. Do you agree? In any case, this is not a pace I expect to be able to maintain indefinitely, bad content or no)

In other music news (and I was so certain I had mentioned this one a long time ago, but it must've been somewhere else), one can produce surprisingly good jazz improvisations with an algorithm modeled after the behavior of insect swarms. (More samples here)


Blogger . said...

hey, now, don't say that.

Thu Nov 10, 11:16:00 PM  
Blogger Evan said...

I may have been exaggerating slightly. Still, we'll see how things go I guess

Fri Nov 11, 09:51:00 AM  

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