Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What happens when the rules aren't fair?

I got back from my big Lobby Thing last night. It went fairly well, I think. The conference itself was informative at times, if exhausting, and while I'm not sure much was accomplished with the visits (though the academic freedom meeting was pretty promising), it was an interesting experience and I met lots of people and got the civic duty warm fuzzies and besides which got to go see friends and uh family and travel on someone else's dime (come to think of it, if you are reading this, it was very likely your dime, or a fraction thereof), so it was basically rewarding on the whole.

One thing that I'm still puzzling over is the fact that it takes a 2/3 vote in the state legislature to pass a budget (I believe we're one of three states where it's like this, the other two being Rhode Island and Arkansas), and the governor can reduce or eliminate any item in the budget, in addition to being able to veto the whole thing. Now then. The vote to override the veto? Also 2/3. This is very confusing to me. Why would the governor ever veto a budget or other urgency measure? And actually San Diego has it even worse, on account of our nice new eight-member city council. Basically what I learned more than anything else this weekend is the inherent weirdness of all political systems.


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