Friday, March 10, 2006

Got a receiver inside my head

So, in case anyone was still wondering about that Rockridge thing (myself, I had pretty much stopped by now), I got an email saying that they weren't able to take on any new employees at this time, which it attributed to "the volitility of funding in the progressive non-profit world," but they plan to re-post the jobs as soon as long-term funding is more secure. So I'm not sure what I think of that. I'm marginally more content with the academic life these days (in large part due to working for MMW, which has led to my both feeling like a halfway competent teacher and being able to manage ridiculous amounts of work), but it might well still be the sort of thing I'd like to spend a year (or more) doing, depending on when the chance comes up again.

Here is a project that a certain birthday-Noski has undertaken, to cover a song a day for all of March. I especially recommend the Dio and Mancini.

Oh and speaking of weirdos' recordings, here are those shortwave numbers station things that have been freaking Miranda out so much. I dunno, I am not finding them all that spooky, but they're still pretty cool, especially in principle.


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