Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nothing hurts like your mouth

Agh, I've been remiss. Aside from work keeping me busy, I need to send my laptop in for more repairs, and it's harder to blog in the meantime. What's worse is that I periodically think of things that I might like to mention, and lacking anywhere to commit them, soon forget what they were.
This morning, however, when I again had the thought "hm, this is worth discussing with my blog," I decided that I would actually follow through this time. You might think that this suggests that the topic was a particularly noteworthy one, that I felt was too vitally important to let slip through my fingers, and if so, boy are you in for a disappointment. Maybe if I had done this another day you'd get to hear some of my exciting geopolitical insights, but today you get to hear about toothpaste. See, I...really don't like minty toothpaste. The taste lingers and gives me a headache, and I've reached the point where I'd rather clean my mouth out with soap afterwards than deal with that wretched aftertaste.
This came up because I had been using this Crest cinnamon stuff, which is pretty good, but recently I bought a tube of what turned out to be "Cinnamint," which doesn't work for me at all. I'm actually slightly uncomfortable discussing this, since I feel like there is something faintly juvenile about cinnamon toothpaste...I suppose I could get into that Tom's of Something toothpaste with baking soda or fennel or whatever the heck other flavors it comes in. For now I guess it's back to finishing with Zest (there is a mango tangerine variety that is actually pretty good).

Yes, I'm weird. If you didn't already know this, then I don't know who the hell's blog you thought you were reading.
Anyways, links:

This thing has been all over the Internet lately, so I'm sure many of you have seen it already.
I have to admit, I can't read much Treehugger with ODing on insufferableness, but here is a cool picture to look at.

Finally, you'll be pleased to know that my existence has reached its culmination. I have written a chapter for the book with this cover. Really, I can't describe how happy that cover makes me.


Blogger Jon said...

Get Aquafresh Extreme Clean (the tube is a pleasing silver color, and has a cunning "snappy-feeling" twist cap) -- it's got a citrus flavor to it that doesn't come anywhere close to minty.

Fri Feb 29, 09:11:00 AM  
Blogger Matthew J. Brown said...

I had toothpaste once that was purple... and it was some kind of sui generis flavor that I think you'd like.

Sat Mar 01, 01:18:00 PM  
Blogger Evan said...

I think I saw that! The name was uninformative, and, as I recall, had something to do with kissing, which sort of put me off that particular product. That and the Aquafresh are definitely going on my "to-try" list

Sat Mar 01, 04:58:00 PM  

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