Monday, January 09, 2006

Every single day, every word you say

Today is the first day of classes. More on that some other day.

So you know that thing I do where I steal other peoples' ideas in lieu of having my own? Behold the sitemeter.
Sitemeter is my new obsession. I have been watching this puppy like a hawk
(Hawks have been known to watch puppies. Please do not leave yours unattended.)
It seems that in addition to my dedicated fanbase of roughly seven avid readers, a couple of whom I haven't quite been able to identify from their locations (but don't worry, mysterious strangers, I now know your IP addresses by heart), there are a handful of people who breeze through every time I post, having been referred here from some random blog or another. After some confusion, I realized that they arrived by way of the "next blog" link at the top of the screen, whereupon they promptly went somewhere else. And frankly I don't blame them! I'm impressed that I've managed to maintain the attention of seven friends for this long; totally random passersby are sure as heckfire not going to be flocking to this page anytime soon.
So uh hello visitors, I'm glad you could come, I'd love to have you stay, but I'm sorry to tell you that nothing I have to say will be of the slightest interest to you. Perhaps you clicked that "next blog" button because you are unclear on what the whole "blogging" phenomenon entails? I mean, honestly, what is even the point of that dang link? Someone is all "well, I'm done catching up with my friends, I might as well see what someone else's are up to"? Look; select a page off the Internet at random. It has about a .00001% chance of containing information that would interest restrict your sample to those pages containing the daily idle thoughts of some random dude, and that is what people are getting when they click "next blog." Really.
Oh but uh thanks, Blogger, for providing this free service that I am now disparaging the hell out of
Woo, tangent. Back to the sitemeter. As you know, sometimes people also stumble across one's page with search engines and such. As it happens, two of my visitors came here that way, using the search terms "counting flowers on the wall." So, apologies go out to those two Statler Brother fans who came looking for lyrics. Maybe you would have better luck if you enclosed the phrase in quotes and added the word "lyrics"? Maybe also if you used a search engine that doesn't suck so bad?

Oh and as a "thank you" for suriving my rant, here is this insanely cool thing that Jose linked too.
You doodle a little picture in the search box, and it searches Flickr for pictures that resemble your drawing. How frigging amazing is that.


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