Sunday, January 01, 2006

Arms entwined, the chosen few

Happy New Year!
(Man I changed the song lyric about five times already. This one will do, I guess. There's just too many New Year's-ish songs out there, and so much I need to express. It's hard to condense all one's thoughts into something so fatuous (but I'm improving with practice!))

You may have stopped reading Okay Pants when the strip ended. If so, you probably missed out on the Holiday Special drawings. The first couple are quite good. Oh, and here are some paintings Julie has also done. Man.

There is a link in blogger that allows me to moderate comments. Whenever I see it, however, the phrase "immoderate comments" comes to mind instead, which would frankly be a much more interesting link to have.

Speaking of immoderation, I had an interesting time at last night's New Year's Eve party. Because of a problem, (ahem), the dress code got stepped up a bit a few hours before the actual party. This was not the first dress-up party that has been held this quarter, and some of us find them pretty fun. Sometimes I forget how many clandestine clotheshorses are running around the department.

So, since I'm in good company, I might as well address a matter that has been on my mind recently: cordovan does not, in fact, go with everything. If you have ever claimed that cordovan goes with every color, I need to know: Why do you lie all the time. It's a nice enough color, especially with navy, but Jesus.
Lord knows one has a hard enough time matching brown pants with equally brown shoes without people trying to systematize things into nice lists of what colors go together. I suppose it is that kind of oversimplification (shoe color, body proportion complements, and, good lord, what "season" one is--do you seriously think I would look good in coral, goldenrod, or other "spring" colors) that gets my proverbial goat.
Uh, sorry, I guess this has been bothering me. And the fact that it has been bothering me has also been bothering me.


Blogger Unknown said...

The painting of the bird and squirrel and fish is just perfect.

Tue Jan 03, 12:35:00 PM  

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