Friday, January 06, 2006

She sends a cable comin' in from above

(This is the first time I've ever posted on successive days, and you can expect my frequency to plummet once the quarter starts.)

If you have recently tried to IM my mobile AIM address (visible in my profile), you should know that because my phone is insanely buggy, it sometimes crashes when it tries to read your message. If I don't get back to you, this is probably why. Sorry about that; maybe you'd you'd have better luck trying me at another account, or just texting my phone directly.

The Book of Ratings is back! Hooray! While I'm on the subject, here also are Lore's Slumbering Lungfish and quite possibly the most offensive comic I've ever seen. And let's not kid ourselves, that's saying something. Not that I didn't laugh or anything, mind you.

So, following up on my earlier rum inquiry, I've been doing a little research on the subject. I've never really understood the economics involved here, as even a very respectable 12-year-old rum will probably set you back less than $20. Or you could probably get several gallons of Bacardi Silver for that amount, if that's more your thing. Cheaper than Smirnoff, hell, it's practically cheaper than gasoline, and almost as tasty.
Apparently, however, rum's popularity has been growing in recent years (I suspect the rise of the mojito may be partly to blame for this, as well as the proliferation of freaky flavored rums), and there are those who think the market is just waiting for the arrival of rum connoiseurship, and that there will be this huge demand for superpremium rums once people develop a taste for the stuff. I worry that this analysis is flawed, however, as it fails to address the fact that rum is still basically weird.


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