Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A girl with kaleidoscope eyes

As those of you who have ever googled my name will know, I once did a pretty terrible web project on synesthesia back in my undergrad days. Being me, I had forgotten to sign up in advance for college webspace, and so I abused my power as neuroscience webmaster and set up my page there instead. An unforseen side-effect of this is that the page didn't get taken down when I graduated. Five years later, it still sits there, mocking me with its typos and garish hypertext. Every year or two I contact the newest webmaster to ask to have it taken down, but apparently it has infected several servers with its presence, and so has managed to bounce back from multiple deletions in a manner not unlike that of the Earth of the Hitchhiker's Trilogy. And despite its terribleness, synesthesia websites seem to really enjoy linking to it, which is fine, I guess, but things just got a whole lot weirder; I just found out that it got me a footnote in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research.

It's not really worth bothering to check out, but here is a link for the insatiably curious (full text pdf here; I'm on page 38).

This is at once hilarious, embarrassing, and my greatest achievement to date.


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